Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Queue psychology

Queues become very common phenomenon in our daily life. Unfortunately, we are constrained to queue not only in supermarkets, banks, restaurants or in front of box-offices but also waiting for emergency medical services, police, juridical help. In many services, especially where we don't need emergency help, the combined or single queues give as the "social justice" because the first person in, is the first person served. It is a guarantee that somebody will not skip ahead of you. Not only psychologists, but I suppose each of as, have noticed how upset and frustrated we become when somebody intrude into a queue. Certainly, in this case, people who stand in front of the queue are more rebelled because they were honestly waiting much longer than people at the end of the line. It even makes as feel that social structure is violated. Patient, honest people confront with loss of time and their, as personalities, position. Furthermore, queue's theory says that, as the number of people behind of us increases, our frustration becomes lower. We automatically compare our situation with people's behind us. No one likes to waist his time in queue doing nothing useful. All everybody want in such a quickly life is to be in time and spend it as much productive as we can. To conclude, I would like to emphasize that situations which are considered as common routine of our life also are important for modern psychology. Like queues, that can arouse really complicated feelings which can influence even hatred for the people round about. At last, queues psychology reminds that it is necessary to learn about tolerance, social equality and fairness, polite behavior with members of society.

Monday, February 5, 2007

My profession is psychology. I have chosen this speciality because, as I think, it is very interesting and useful in today's world. I would like to understand motivations which influance people's behavior. Moreover, I suppose, psychology can give me a lot of opportunities in future career. I believe, I would be able to use psychological skills no matter what job I would be doing and, of course, in my personal life. Till now, I am very pleased about my studies. I have already gotten a lot of information which helps to communicate with people and see their personalities. Besides, when I think about my further studies, I really would like to deepen my knowledge in psychology which incures in bussines and menegment. What was really surprising for me is that psychology never was speciality of my dreams. Still, I began studies with big ambitions. Now I can emphasize, that nobody would be able to make me change my mind and choose other profession. I have found my own motivation in these studies. In conclution, I would like to mention that I am very greatful because I like my speciality and that I am doing well in my studies.